Hye everyone! This was my second week in UM. Now I felt much better compared to the last week. For this week, Puan Foziah's class had been divided into two classes which was on Monday (37 students) and Tuesday (38 students) and my class was on Tuesday. As usual, class started at 10.00 am. First thing first, Puan Foziah asked us to elect a representative for her subject and a treasurer. Everybody was pointing to each other and it takes about 15 minutes to decide who was the class rep! At first, Hazwan Baharim's name was nominated as a leader and everybody seems to agree with it.
However, he looks reluctance to accept that job. I know the reason why he refuse to accept it. Back in college, he had been a class rep and he might want to give chance for others to hold that responsible. Puan Foziah alert about it and she asked us to give that responsible to those who were willing to do the job without any force. After some name were called out, at last, Hazwan Baharim stopped the chaos and he decided that he want to be the class rep. I think, with his willingness to become a leader, he can work well and hopefully, all of his did will be bless by GOD. Keep it up Hazwan!. Amazingly, the treasure election did not encounter a lot of problems like a piece of cake!. Against the clock, Dominic Layang Ukit was appointed as the treasure and after the appointment, he asked to pay 10 dollars each! huhuhu...
However, he looks reluctance to accept that job. I know the reason why he refuse to accept it. Back in college, he had been a class rep and he might want to give chance for others to hold that responsible. Puan Foziah alert about it and she asked us to give that responsible to those who were willing to do the job without any force. After some name were called out, at last, Hazwan Baharim stopped the chaos and he decided that he want to be the class rep. I think, with his willingness to become a leader, he can work well and hopefully, all of his did will be bless by GOD. Keep it up Hazwan!. Amazingly, the treasure election did not encounter a lot of problems like a piece of cake!. Against the clock, Dominic Layang Ukit was appointed as the treasure and after the appointment, he asked to pay 10 dollars each! huhuhu...
So, that was actually happened during the first 30 minutes on that day. After the election, we were asked to complete a survey by Puan Roziah. The questionnaires were basically reflect what will we be encounter for this subject. It asked about our knowledge about computer, the software that we have, and what was our skills in using computer and many more. Maybe from this survey, Puan Foziah could determine our level of knowledge so that, she could plan her class according to our level of knowledge. Do you still remember that last week she asked us to bring a picture of passport size? After completing the survey, we need to paste the picture on the survey paper. Maybe, she wanted to keep it for her record. Next, Puan Foziah explain to us about the skills in using the keyboard.
This was a new experience for me as I did not know that, if we used a correct way of using keyboard, we could type faster than before. Actually, if we take a look at the keyboard, the letter "F" and "G" was the center of the keyboard. The left hand was responsible for "F" territory only, meanwhile the right hand side was only for "G" area.

The correct position while using keyboard
Puan Foziah told us the reason for that. It was because, our right hand is more stronger compared to the left hand side. That is why right hand covered large area so that, we will not get fatigue when typing. The position when typing also important where we must be comfortable. Our hand need to be at the same level with the keyboard in order to avoid from fatigues. I think, on second class, we had learn many meaningful lesson for example, without willingness to carry such responsibilities, all of our deeds are not going to be bless by GOD, and we were also learned on how to use keyboard in a right way.
I think, I shall stop here. ~Adios~
Our Leader-Hazwan Baharim
(One step closer to become an artist)
Our Treasurer-Dominic Layang Ukit
(Tough Sarawakian)
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