What do you like about blogging?
Blog is my passion. It is a borderless sharing medium on the internet. Since I have a newsletter that goes theoretically once a week, blogging is the best medium to share all the inputs among students. Apart from that, blog is also a place where I can express my opinion in an interesting way which is by adding related images or videos in every post. By making it interesting, people would not hesitate to read it and thus, the process of sharing knowledge from each other became easier.
What you do not like about blogging?
There are a few things that do not like about blogging. Since blog is not entirely interactive; I mean not as interactive as talking face to face, people might misinterpreted the contents of the posts. Therefore, any information intended for the readers need to be explained clearly. Other than that, I found blog is quite difficult to maintain. I need to spend a lot of time on it in order to keep it updated.
What have you gained from blogging e.g. Language skills, improved fluency, critical thinking, improved thought processes, technology skills etc. How?
Blogging helped me a lot in improving myself in many skills. In every entry posted, I need to think thoroughly on what to be expressed regarding that particular topic and I also need to make it understandable in the most interesting way by adding photos and videos. Thus, I have applied several technology skills especially in adding photos or videos in my post and upload them to be published.
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