Week 10 - Picture Editing

This has became our 10th week of studying for this semester. For this week, we were given three hours to complete our second module. This time around, the module was about picture editing. There was task given to us. We need to edit a picture by using the Adobe Photoshop CS3. The picture must contain a message and meaningful. Below is my edited picture, I tried to explain that, it has become my dream to further my studies abroad, and that's the reason why I chose to put my picture together with the picture of the university. 

For this module, I had learned on some software to edit picture such as: 

adobe photoshop cs3


By using those editing pictures software, we could apply many features that available in it such as, cropping, adjusting size, removing noise, adding text, adding effect, and many more. I am very lucky to learn all this as I really interested with this skills. I hope, I could expand my skills in editing picture because, I really enjoy myself during doing it. That's all from me for this week, see you!


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